To make sure you have enough credit to use every time you need, it is best for you to top up your EasyParcel credit ahead too. Simply perform a one-time activation for auto top-up, and never run out of EasyParcel credit again!
The thing is getting better – you’ll no longer have to worry about the hassle of topping up manually every time you run low on EasyParcel credit. Here comes our auto top-up feature – it’s available for all of you out there!
Step By Step Guide to Enable Auto Top Up:
Step 1: Click “Account” on your dashboard, then choose “Auto Top Up”.
Step 2: Enable the activation button and click on the preferred package.
** You can turn on/off your auto top-up anytime as you wish with just a click.
Step 3: Fill in the card details / Choose the card.
Step 4: Click “Confirm” and the automation is done!